Typolicous is a fictional 20 page magazine created in my Digital Design and Typography class in the Fall 2021 semester. The magazine focuses on all aspects of typography, from highlighting groundbreaking designers such as Carol Twombly, Laura Worthington and Matthew Carter, to the history and importance of three timeless typefaces, such as Cooper Black, Futura and ITC Avant Garde in the cover story. All of the articles throughout are my own original text, with the exception of the Diverse World of Tyography article. Throughout the entire magazine, I kept with the theme of using mostly soft, pastel colors and on occasion incorporated high contrasting black and white elements. Having a degree in both Journalism and Graphic Design worked perfectly for this assignment, as I was able to utilize both of those skills at once. My goal with this assignment was to create a modern design magazine that I could actually see being sold on newsstands to a wide audience. 
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